2009年3月4日 星期三


obtained 獲得
Conservation 保護
sustaining 承受
supplies 供給
standpoint 觀點
fertile 肥沃
wild 野生
edible 可食的
petroleum 石油
iron 鐵
cultivated 耕種
crops 作物
ingenuity 巧妙
gasoline 汽油
perpetual 永久的
scale 規模
replenished 裝滿
reducing 還原
yield 出產量
exceed 超過
shrink 退縮
degradation 退化
Nonrenewable 不可更新
quantity 數量
earth’s crust 地殼
geologic 地質的
formed 類型
aluminum 鋁
interior 內部
fossil 化石
plastics 修補
Conservation 養護
Decreased 下降
habitats 棲息地
Aquifer 含水層
depletion 枯竭
virgin metallic 美屬維爾京金屬
estimated 估計
debtors 債務人
attaining 實現
middle-class 中產階級
cement 水泥
essay 散文
The western economic model 西方經濟模式
details 增長
Homo sapiens (學名)人
gatherer 原始人
agricultural revolution 農業革命
alter 改變
dominate 主宰
1-3 -2

some resources,such as sloar energy,fresh air ,wind,fresh surface water,fertile soil,and wild edible plants,are directly available for use.
other resources such as petroleum,iron,groundwater,and cultivated crops,are not directly available.
they become useful to us only with some effort and technological ingenuity.for example,petroleum was a mysterious fluid until we learned how to find ,extract,and convert it into gasoline,heating oil,and other products that could be sold.

