2009年3月11日 星期三

1-5 People Have Different Views

• Why should we care about the environment?
• Are we the most important beings on the planet or
are we just one of the earth’s millions of different
forms of life?
• Do we have an obligation to see that our activities
do not cause the premature extinction of other life
forms? Should we try to protect all life forms or
only some? How do we decide which ones to
• Do we have an ethical obligation to pass on to future
generations the extraordinary natural world in
at least as good condition as we inherited?

• 我們為什麼應該對環境關心?
• 我們是否是在行星上的最重要生存或我們是否是一个地球上的成千上萬種不同的生活形式?
• 我們是否有義務約束看我們的生存活動導致其他生物過早的绝種? 如果我們设法保護所有生物的生活形式? 我們決定如何保護呢?
• 我們有道德義務傳承到下一代非凡自然世界 像我們一樣的好情況下繼承?

